Archive for December, 2014

Staying on Target with Your New Year’s Health Resolutions

Posted on December 2, 2014. Filed under: Acupuncture Information, Exercise, Weightloss | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

bigstock-Winner--Success-concept-Hike-38730274By Dr. Gregory Steiner
CA Acupuncture & Chiropractic Clinic

It’s now January and many of us have made some resolutions for a happier and healthier new year.  But whether your resolution is losing weight, quitting smoking or stopping bad habits, there are steps you need to take to ensure success of those goals.

Many people make weight loss part of their resolution, but many people give up their goal after the first month or two.  So how do you make sure you don’t give up your resolutions by Valentine’s Day?

Write it down & be specific.  People often make abstract resolutions:  “Enjoy life”, “Be happier”, etc… Instead, look for a specific measurable action.  “Do 50 pushups every day”, or “Drink 10 glasses of water daily”.  Just writing down “stay fit and healthy” doesn’t provide enough direction for you to follow to achieve success.

Place your resolutions where you can see them constantly.  Out of sight, out of mind comes into play here.  When you see your written resolutions every day, you’re more likely to follow through with them.

Hold yourself accountable.  Accountability is important to success with resolutions.  That’s why Jenny Craig and AA are so effective.  Make a calendar & check off your list each day or exchange updates with your spouse.  If you miss the mark on one of your resolutions that day, make up for it the next, but don’t beat yourself up for it.

Do what it takes for the best success & follow through.  Making a statement like “Losing Weight” doesn’t give you enough information to help you be successful.  Think about what “Losing Weight” will entail.  By providing smaller steps to achieve the big picture, you can ensure greater success.  Think, “eating 1/3 smaller meals than I usually eat”, “only eating bread once a week”, “eating 4 different vegetables daily (nothing fried)”.  Also consider what you can do in addition to help aid the success of your goals.  Exercise will help with weight loss, but additional therapies like acupuncture (great for suppressing appetite and curbing cravings) and herbal therapy can also support the process.

Don’t quit.  Easier said than done, but even if you’ve slipped backwards and feel like you fell of the wagon.  Get back up and keep going!  Think positive and positive things will happen.

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